parada anchoa viajera cantabria



The gastronomy of Cantabria, in northern Spain, is known for its freshness and flavor, combining products from the sea and the land. Fish and seafood from the Cantabrian Sea, such as hake and sea bream, or the famous anchovies from Santoña and white tuna are essential in Cantabrian cuisine.

Dairy and meat products also stand out, with cheeses such as cream cheese from Cantabria and Tresviso. Traditional dishes such as cocido montañés, beans stew, cabbage, potatoes and meat, are very popular.

As for desserts, the corbatas de Unquera and the sobaos pasiegos are typical and delicious sweets. The cider and wines of the region perfectly complement any Cantabrian meal.

Starting with the essence of Cantabrian food, Javier Ruiz has taken the classic “sobao” to another level with his surprising recipe of marinated yolk and fried Santonia anchovy, restructuring the traditional “sobao” while adding that special touch of our anchovies.

La anchoa viajera Cantabria
parada anchoa viajera cantabria



anchoas del cantabrico de costera en salazon seleccion extra lata 10 kg 1


  • Pujadó  Solano’s salted anchovy
  • Anchovy salt
  • Sugar
  • Egg
  • Tempura flour
  • Butter


  • Separate the egg yolk from the egg white.
  • Cover the egg yolk with a mixture of 50% anchovy salt and 50% sugar, and ideally let it sit for 1 hour.
  • Rinse the yolk with water to remove the salt and sugar coating.
  • Rinse the salted anchovy, completely removing the fishbone.
  • Make a tempura with the fishbone until it is crispy.
  • Place the egg yolk on top of the tempura fishbone.
  • Finish by adding small drops of butter.