Anchoas de Santoña

Cantabrian anchovies vs. Mediterranean anchovies: What’s the difference?

Anchovies are a delicacy appreciated around the world for their intense flavour and versatility in cooking. However, it is important to note that not all anchovies are created equal.

Today we will tell you the differences between Cantabrian anchovies and Mediterranean anchovies, and why anchovies made in northern Spain, especially Santoña anchovies , are considered to be of better quality.

Origin and provenance of anchovies

Despite being of the same species, Engraulis encrasicolus,  the origin of the Cantabrian anchovies and the Mediterranean anchovies is different, and this influences both their flavour and their quality and texture.

The temperate climate of northern Spain, where Santoña is located, is one of the main factors responsible for the quality of Cantabrian anchovies. The waters of the Bay of Biscay, where the Cantabrian anchovy from which anchovies are made is caught, are cold, rich in nutrients and free of contaminants. This, together with its sea currents, favours the growth of the fish and guarantees the optimal flavour of the anchovies caught in this region. The Cantabrian anchovy fishing season lasts only from March to September, which is when the fish is considered to be at its best. In addition, to ensure sustainable and environmentally friendly fishing, anchovy fishing is regulated and limited.

In contrast, Mediterranean anchovies come from the warm, salty waters of the Mediterranean Sea, which stretches from southern Europe to northern Africa. This warm habitat is less conducive to the development of anchovies. The fishing season for this type of anchovy extends throughout the year.

This difference in origin between anchovies from the Cantabrian Sea and those from the Mediterranean also makes Cantabrian anchovies a typical and exclusive product of our coast, while Mediterranean anchovies are caught and consumed in all the countries on the Mediterranean coast.

Taste and texture:

The anchovies from the Cantabrian Sea, especially those from Santoña, are characterised by their intense and balanced flavour, with salty and slightly smoky notes, which is achieved thanks to the combination of the natural conditions of the Cantabrian Sea and the artisanal production process that we use for their production. For their part, the anchovies from the Mediterranean tend to have a softer and more delicate flavour, with a slightly sweeter touch.

The texture is also different. While Cantabrian anchovies have a firm, meaty texture that makes them perfect to be enjoyed on their own, the texture of Mediterranean anchovies tends to be softer and less firm.

Manufacturing process:

Cantabrian anchovies, especially Santoña anchovies, are usually subjected to a traditional and meticulous preparation process that enhances their flavour and texture. After being caught at sea in a traditional manner and at the optimal time, the anchovies are cleaned and subjected to a salting and maturing process for several months, thereby enhancing their flavour. Afterwards, they are selected, cleaned and filleted by hand and covered with sunflower oil or olive oil of the highest quality, for preservation.

However, Mediterranean anchovies usually undergo a quicker and shorter salting process, which results in a less intense flavour and texture.

Reputation and tradition:   

Thanks to its long tradition in anchovy production, Santoña is known worldwide as the “Cradle of Anchovies”, having become a standard of excellence in the world of canned fish. For this reason, Santoña anchovies are, in themselves, a symbol of quality and flavour.

As you have seen, thanks to the quality of the waters where the anchovies are caught, the weather conditions and the traditional production process, Cantabrian anchovies acquire an intense and unique flavour that makes them the best choice for lovers of quality anchovies.
