Recipes for confinement

This exceptional situation we are experiencing is difficult for everyone. We are going to try to spend these days in the best way possible, taking care of ourselves, enjoying the little things, sharing moments and helping each other so that normality returns as soon as possible.

We want to do our bit and that’s why we propose 5 easy recipes with Cantabrian anchovies so that during these days of confinement you can become the best chef in the neighborhood! And if you also have little ones at home, what better than sharing the preparation of the dishes with them?

Fun guaranteed!

Let’s get started!

Spaghetti with anchovies and zucchini

Are you a pasta lover? With this recipe for spaghetti with anchovies and zucchini you will lick your fingers!


250 g of spaghetti

3 ripe tomatoes

1 clove of garlic 5 anchovy fillets 1/2 zucchini A tablespoon of capers

60 g black olives (pitted)

1 cayenne or small chili pepper




Boil the pasta in salted water according to the time indicated by the manufacturer.

Peel the tomatoes and cut them into small cubes.

Chop the capers, slice the olives and chop the anchovy fillets .

Peel half of the zucchini and grate it into strips.

Sauté it in a frying pan with oil for a few minutes.

Brown the garlic, cayenne or chilli and anchovies in a frying pan.

Once the anchovies have been broken up, add the capers, olives and zucchini.

Add the tomato and let it fry.

Sauté the spaghetti with the sofrito and half a ladle of cooking water for a couple of minutes.

It can be served with some whole anchovies as decoration and with a little sesame.

Espaguetis con anchoas y calabacín

Pizza with anchovies

Pizza is a classic that never fails! This anchovy pizza recipe is the perfect plan for a night of blankets and home movies


Pizza dough



1 can of anchovies

1 handful of pitted black olives

1 handful of capers


We cut the black olives into slices and chop the anchovies.

We drain the liquid from the capers. We stretch the pizza dough and spread the tomato sauce on top.

We also add the mozzarella cheese to taste, the olives and the capers.

We put the pizza in the oven for about 15-20 minutes, until we see that the edges are starting to turn golden.

We take the pizza out of the oven and put the chopped anchovies on top (never before, since baked anchovies lose flavor and texture).

Pizza con anchoas

Tacos with anchovies

How about giving a Cantabrian touch to one of the most famous and well-known dishes of Mexican cuisine? This recipe for tacos with anchovies is delicious! Ingredients: Corn tortillas Lettuce


1 can of Cantabrian anchovies

1 green pepper

1 onion

1 zucchini

1 tomato

Sweet corn

Olive oil

Fajita seasoning

1 small jar tomato sauce


We chop the pepper, onion and zucchini

We heat a little olive oil in a frying pan and fry it.

Wash, peel and cut the tomato. Add it to the pan with the rest of the vegetables and let it cook for about 5 minutes.

We cut the anchovies into small pieces and add them to the pan so that they are well integrated.

We heat the tortillas (in the microwave or in a frying pan without oil) and fill them with the ingredients (we also add lettuce and sweet corn to taste)

To finish, we can season the fajitas and accompany them with tomato sauce.

Tacos de anchoas

Anchovy and spinach omelette

We like omelette in all its forms, but if it has anchovies, even better! This recipe for anchovy and spinach omelette is easy to prepare and very, very tasty!


6 eggs

150 gr spinach

6 Cantabrian anchovy fillets

Grated cheese (to taste)





We wash the spinach and chop it very finely.

We cut the anchovies into small pieces

Sauté the spinach for 5/8 minutes in a frying pan with a little oil.

Beat the eggs in a bowl and add the anchovies , spinach and grated cheese.

We mix well

We prepare a frying pan with a little oil and pour the mixture to make the omelette.

We wait for it to set and turn it over.

Tortilla de anchoas y espinacas

Couscous with anchovies

Couscous is a very versatile dish and it is also delicious!

This couscous with anchovies will be a hit on your table, we are sure!


200 gr of couscous

200 ml chicken broth

4-5 anchovies

2 shallots

2 small tomatoes

Fresh cilantro

Fresh parsley

½ lemon

Extra virgin olive oil


We wash and peel the tomatoes, cut them into cubes and set them aside.

We put the chicken broth in a saucepan and bring it to a boil.

When it starts to boil, add the couscous slowly and leave it for a couple of minutes.

We remove it and let it cool.

Peel and chop the shallots and sauté them in a frying pan with a good splash of oil.

Chop the parsley and add it to the pan when the shallots are almost done.

We also add the anchovies and fry until they become a paste.

Remove from heat and pour over the couscous.

We add the chopped tomato, the chopped fresh cilantro and the juice of half a lemon.

We mix everything and it’s ready to eat!

cuscus con anchoas

A delicious dish makes everyone happy! We hope that our small contribution will help you share moments with your loved ones, not only in the kitchen, but also around the table.

We hope that this situation ends as soon as possible, we have to remember that one more day is one less day! From Pujadó Solano we send a lot of strength to continue in these difficult days and a lot of encouragement to all those affected.
