Goals for healthy eating

With the month of January comes the New Year’s resolutions. Year after year, we set out to improve our language skills, exercise, save more, eat better… and, let’s face it, we almost never achieve any of the goals we set at the beginning of the year.

Today, we want to help you in  your goal of eating better , because a good diet is not only good for your health but also for your mind.

Healthy eating

A good diet is based on getting all the  nutrients, minerals and vitamins  so that our body functions correctly. A healthy diet is nothing more than  eating everything while maintaining a balanced and varied diet  that contains all the basic foods. Thanks to this, we will stay healthy, feel good and be full of energy.

Although nutrition is a fundamental part of leading a healthy life, we must not neglect  physical exercise . It is extremely important to exercise regularly as a complement to our good nutrition. Moving is essential and not necessarily an exhausting activity, since with short walks of between 20 and 30 minutes a day, we are already helping our body to stay in shape.

What foods help maintain good health?

Fiber, minerals, water, antioxidants, omega-3 oil and vitamins are essential elements in our daily diet. That is why it is important to incorporate foods such as:

  • Fruits from the garden – peppers, tomatoes or cucumbers
  • Green leafy vegetables Tubers – potatoes or carrots
  • Nuts
  • Legumes – lentils, chickpeas or peas
  • Fruits – apples and kiwis among many others
  • Bluefish – bonito, tuna, sardines or salmon
  • Water
  • Lean meats – chicken, rabbit or turkey
  • Eggs
  • Fresh dairy products

What foods should we eat less of?

To maintain a healthy diet, we must avoid large intakes of foods rich in animal fats or processed and refined foods. That is why it is important to avoid foods such as:

  • Patés and sausages
  • Fried foods
  • Industrial bread and pastries
  • Sugars
  • Alcohol
  • Soft drinks

What are the benefits of a good diet?

  • Provides energy and vitality
  • It helps us maintain the appropriate weight according to our characteristics.
  • It benefits the mind and helps keep it stimulated.
  • Provides defenses against diseases
  • Helps combat weakness and fatigue
  • Prevents bone loss
  • Helps balance intestinal transit
  • Delays aging
  • Helps maintain cholesterol and glucose levels
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In addition to what food we eat, it is also important how we eat it. To do this, it is very important to start the day with a  
complete breakfast  that gives us energy for the day. At midday and not too late,  
lunch  should be  
light  followed by a  
balanced snack  in the afternoon. Finally, before going to bed we should have  
a simple and light dinner  so that we go to bed without feeling heavy. With these tips it will be much easier to fulfill the New Year’s resolution.  
Do you want to improve your health?
